Orthopaedic surgery although often compared to carpentry, is a speciality with a good variety of work, a large practical component and with an ageing population is only becoming more relevant. It is a career that offers the technical demands of a rapidly progressing speciality with high levels of job satisfaction and options for academic work.
Very physical and intellectually skilful
Good spatial awareness
Thinks rationally under pressure
Confident and driven
On average a trauma and orthopaedic consultant will have a varied week with fracture and elective clinic sessions, trauma and elective surgical lists, on-call duties as well as administrative and teaching and research commitments.
Largely practical speciality with a direct approach to surgery.
Performing an operation which will vastly improve the mobility and therefore the functionality of a patient can be very rewarding.
Often options for private work.
Get to use great toys.
Operations can take much longer than you expected which will often delay getting home.
Highly competitive speciality.
On-call commitments can be exhausting.

Around 70,000-75,000 hip fractures occur in the UK each year.
The oldest person in the world to have a hip replacement was a 101-year-old lady who was treated at Good Hope Hospital in the West Midlands. More than 89,000 hip replacement operations were carried out in 2006-07.
Hugh Owen Thomas, a Welsh surgeon is responsible for numerous inventions, methods and tests that carry his name including the 'Thomas splint' that could stabilise a fractured femur and prevent infection, 'Thomas's collar' to treat tuberculosis of the cervical spine, 'Thomas's manoeuvre', an investigation for fracture of the hip joint, 'Thomas test', a method of detecting hip deformity and the 'Thomas's wrench' for reducing fractures.